Base-substitution mutation rate across the nuclear genome of Alpheus snapping shrimp and the timing of isolation by the Isthmus of Panama

Base-substitution mutation rate across the nuclear genome of Alpheus snapping shrimp and the timing of isolation by the Isthmus of PanamaDOI: info:10.5061/DRYAD.QNK98SFGSDryad
Silliman, Katherine, Indorf, Jane L., Knowlton, Nancy, Browne, William E., and Hurt, Carla. 2021. [Dataset] Base-substitution mutation rate across the nuclear genome of Alpheus snapping shrimp and the timing of isolation by the Isthmus of Panama. Distributed by Dryad.
ID: 167376
Type: dataset
Keywords: Dataset; NMNH; NH-Invertebrate Zoology