Addendum and Corrigendum: An updated, illustrated inventory of the marine fishes of the US Virgin Islands (vol 1103, pg 79, 2022)

Addendum and Corrigendum: An updated, illustrated inventory of the marine fishes of the US Virgin Islands (vol 1103, pg 79, 2022)DOI: info:10.3897/zookeys.1112.87591No. 1112Pensoft Publishers219–221
Robertson, D. Ross, Estapé, Carlos J., Estapé, Allison M., Richter, Lee, Peña, Ernesto, and Victor, Benjamin C. 2022. "Addendum and Corrigendum: An updated, illustrated inventory of the marine fishes of the US Virgin Islands (vol 1103, pg 79, 2022)." Zookeys, (1112) 219–221.
ID: 167593
Type: article
Keywords: STRI