Rates and processes controlling periglacial alluvial fan formation: Implications for martian fans

Rates and processes controlling periglacial alluvial fan formation: Implications for martian fansDOI: info:10.1130/B36459.1v. 135No. 3-4937–954
Palucis, Marisa C., Morgan, A. M., Strauss, J. V., Rivera-Hernandez, F., Marshall, J. A., Menio, E., and Miller, R. 2022. "Rates and processes controlling periglacial alluvial fan formation: Implications for martian fans." GSA Bulletin, 135, (3-4) 937–954. https://doi.org/10.1130/B36459.1.
ID: 167658
Type: article
Keywords: nasm; nasm-ceps