Testing the Limits of AGN Feedback and the Onset of Thermal Instability in the Most Rapidly Star-forming Brightest Cluster Galaxies

Testing the Limits of AGN Feedback and the Onset of Thermal Instability in the Most Rapidly Star-forming Brightest Cluster GalaxiesDOI: info:10.3847/1538-4357/ac9790v. 940140
Calzadilla, Michael S., McDonald, Michael, Donahue, Megan, McNamara, Brian R., Fogarty, Kevin, Gitti, Myriam, Russell, Helen R., Tremblay, Grant R., Voit, G. Mark, Ubertosi, Francesco, and Gaspari, Massimo. 2022. "Testing the Limits of AGN Feedback and the Onset of Thermal Instability in the Most Rapidly Star-forming Brightest Cluster Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal, 940 140. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac9790.
ID: 168371
Type: article
Keywords: SAO