The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M31) - IV. Radial oxygen and argon abundance gradients of the thin and thicker disc

The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M31) - IV. Radial oxygen and argon abundance gradients of the thin and thicker discDOI: info:10.1093/mnras/stac2703v. 5172343–2359
Bhattacharya, Souradeep, Arnaboldi, Magda, Caldwell, Nelson, Gerhard, Ortwin, Kobayashi, Chiaki, Hartke, Johanna, Freeman, Kenneth C., McConnachie, Alan W., and Guhathakurta, Puragra. 2022. "The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M31) - IV. Radial oxygen and argon abundance gradients of the thin and thicker disc." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 2343–2359.
ID: 168618
Type: article
Keywords: SAO