The growth of brightest cluster galaxies in the TNG300 simulation: dissecting the contributions from mergers and in situ star formation

The growth of brightest cluster galaxies in the TNG300 simulation: dissecting the contributions from mergers and in situ star formationDOI: info:10.1093/mnras/stad586v. 521800–817
Montenegro-Taborda, Daniel, Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente, Pillepich, Annalisa, Avila-Reese, Vladimir, Sales, Laura V., Rodríguez-Puebla, Aldo, and Hernquist, Lars. 2023. "The growth of brightest cluster galaxies in the TNG300 simulation: dissecting the contributions from mergers and in situ star formation." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521 800–817.
ID: 170853
Type: article
Keywords: sao