Clusters, clouds, and correlations: relating young clusters to giant molecular clouds in M33 and M31

Clusters, clouds, and correlations: relating young clusters to giant molecular clouds in M33 and M31DOI: info:10.1093/mnras/stad1430v. 5226137–6149
Peltonen, Joshua, Rosolowsky, Erik, Johnson, L. Clifton, Seth, Anil C., Dalcanton, Julianne, Bell, Eric F., Braine, Jonathan, Koch, Eric W., Lazzarini, Margaret, Leroy, Adam K., Skillman, Evan D., Smercina, Adam, Wainer, Tobin, and Williams, Benjamin F. 2023. "Clusters, clouds, and correlations: relating young clusters to giant molecular clouds in M33 and M31." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522 6137–6149.
ID: 170905
Type: article
Keywords: sao