Changes in Sperm Morphology, Morphometry, and Motility from the Epididymis to the Vas Deferens in Rheas (, Linnaeus, 1758)DOI: info:10.3390/ani13091483v. 13No. 9
Bezerra, Luana G. P., Silva, Andréia M., Jurema, Artur P., Dantas, Maiko R. T., Pereira, Ana G., Oliveira, Moacir F., Comizzoli, Pierre, and Silva, Alexandre R. 2023. "Changes in Sperm Morphology, Morphometry, and Motility from the Epididymis to the Vas Deferens in Rheas (Rhea americana, Linnaeus, 1758)." Animals, 13, (9).