Comprehensive phylogeny of Pieridae butterflies reveals strong correlation between diversification and temperature

Comprehensive phylogeny of Pieridae butterflies reveals strong correlation between diversification and temperatureDOI: info:10.1016/j.isci.2024.109336v. 27No. 4
Carvalho, Ana Paula S., Owens, Hannah L., St Laurent, Ryan A., Earl, Chandra, Dexter, Kelly M., Messcher, Rebeccah L., Willmott, Keith R., Aduse-Poku, Kwaku, Collins, Steve C., Homziak, Nicholas T., Hoshizaki, Sugihiko, Hsu, Yu-Feng, Kizhakke, Athulya G., Kunte, Krushnamegh, Martins, Dino J., Mega, Nicolás O., Morinaka, Sadaharu, Peggie, Djunijanti, Romanowski, Helena P., Sáfián, Szabolcs, Vila, Roger, Wang, Houshuai, Braby, Michael F., Espeland, Marianne, Breinholt, Jesse W. et al. 2024. "Comprehensive phylogeny of Pieridae butterflies reveals strong correlation between diversification and temperature." iScience, 27, (4).
ID: 172149
Type: article
Keywords: nh-entomology; nmnh