CuticleTrace: A toolkit for capturing cell outlines from leaf cuticle with implications for paleoecology and paleoclimatology

CuticleTrace: A toolkit for capturing cell outlines from leaf cuticle with implications for paleoecology and paleoclimatologyDOI: info:10.1002/aps3.11566v. 12No. 1
Lloyd, Benjamin A., Barclay, Richard S., Dunn, Regan E., Currano, Ellen D., Mohamaad, Ayuni I., Skersies, Kymbre, and Punyasena, Surangi W. 2024. "CuticleTrace: A toolkit for capturing cell outlines from leaf cuticle with implications for paleoecology and paleoclimatology." Applications in Plant Sciences, 12, (1).
ID: 172165
Type: article
Keywords: nmnh; serc; nh-paleobiology