Overcome imposter syndrome: Contribute to working groups and build strong networks

Overcome imposter syndrome: Contribute to working groups and build strong networksDOI: info:10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110566v. 293Elsevier Science Limited
Bates, Amanda E., Davies, Megan A., Stuart-Smith, Rick D., Lazzari, Natali, Lefcheck, Jonathan S., Ling, Scott D., Mellin, Camille, Mouillot, David, Bernard, Anthony T. F., Bennett, Scott, Brown, Christopher J., Burrows, Michael T., Butler, Claire L., Cinner, Joshua, Clausius, Ella, Cooper, Antonia, Costello, Mark John, Denis-Roy, Lara, Edgar, Graham J., Fuchs, Yann Herrera, Johnson, Olivia J., Gordó-Vilaseca, Cesc, Hautecoeur, Cyril, Harper, Leah M., Heather, Freddie J. et al. 2024. "Overcome imposter syndrome: Contribute to working groups and build strong networks." Biological Conservation, 293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110566.
ID: 172558
Type: article
Keywords: serc