Field investigatins of an outbreak of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995: Arthropod Studies

Field investigatins of an outbreak of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995: Arthropod Studiesv. 179148–154
Reiter, P., Turell, M., Coleman, R., Miller, B., Maupin, G., Liz, J., Kuehne, A., Barth, J., Geisbert, J., Dohm, D., Glick, J., Pecor, J., Robbins, Robert K., Jahrling, P., Peters, C., and Kslazek, T. 1999. "Field investigatins of an outbreak of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995: Arthropod Studies." Journal of Infectious Diseases, 179 148–154.
ID: 18703
Type: article
Keywords: affiliated agency staff; NH-Entomology; NMNH