Integrated Paleontologic and Paleomagnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Neogene Deposits Around Limon, Costa Rica: A Coastal Emergence Record of the Central American Isthmus

Integrated Paleontologic and Paleomagnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Neogene Deposits Around Limon, Costa Rica: A Coastal Emergence Record of the Central American IsthmusNo. 7963–981
McNeill, Donald F., Coates, Anthony G., Budd, Ann F., and Berne, Pamela F. 2000. "Integrated Paleontologic and Paleomagnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Neogene Deposits Around Limon, Costa Rica: A Coastal Emergence Record of the Central American Isthmus." Geological Society of America Bulletin, (7) 963–981.
ID: 50323
Type: article
Keywords: stri