Tree Species of Southwestern Cameroon: Tree Distrubution Maps, Diameter Tables, and Species Documentation of the 50-Hectare Korup Forest Dynamics Plot

Tree Species of Southwestern Cameroon: Tree Distrubution Maps, Diameter Tables, and Species Documentation of the 50-Hectare Korup Forest Dynamics PlotCenter for Tropical Forest Science, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Thomas, Duncan W., Kenfack, David, Chuyong, George B., Moses, Sainge N., Losos, Elizabeth Claire, Condit, Richard S., and Songwe, N. C. 2003. Tree Species of Southwestern Cameroon: Tree Distrubution Maps, Diameter Tables, and Species Documentation of the 50-Hectare Korup Forest Dynamics Plot. Center for Tropical Forest Science, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
ID: 51251
Type: book
Keywords: stri