Spitzer, Near-Infrared, and Submillimeter Imaging of the Relatively Sparse Young Cluster, Lynds 988e

Spitzer, Near-Infrared, and Submillimeter Imaging of the Relatively Sparse Young Cluster, Lynds 988ev. 675491–506
Allen, Thomas S., Pipher, Judith L., Gutermuth, Robert A., Megeath, S. Thomas, Adams, Joseph D., Herter, Terry L., Williams, Jonathan P., Goetz-Bixby, Jennifer A., Allen, Lori E., and Myers, Philip C. 2008. "Spitzer, Near-Infrared, and Submillimeter Imaging of the Relatively Sparse Young Cluster, Lynds 988e." The Astrophysical Journal, 675 491–506.
ID: 55963
Type: article
Keywords: SAO