A comparison of the mineral composition of milk of domestic and captive wild equids (Equus przewalski, E. zebra, E. burchelli, E. caballus, E. asinus)

A comparison of the mineral composition of milk of domestic and captive wild equids (Equus przewalski, E. zebra, E. burchelli, E. caballus, E. asinus)v. 85A233–235
Schryver, H. F., Oftedal, Olav T., Williams, J., Cymbaluk, N. F., Antczak, D., and Hintz, H. F. 1986. "A comparison of the mineral composition of milk of domestic and captive wild equids (Equus przewalski, E. zebra, E. burchelli, E. caballus, E. asinus)." Comparative biochemistry and physiology, 85A 233–235.
ID: 69964
Type: article
Keywords: CRC; NZP