Current Star Formation in the Ophiuchus and Perseus Molecular Clouds: Constraints and Comparisons from Unbiased Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Surveys. II.

Current Star Formation in the Ophiuchus and Perseus Molecular Clouds: Constraints and Comparisons from Unbiased Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Surveys. II.DOI: info:10.1086/589956v. 683822–843
Jørgensen, Jes K., Johnstone, Doug, Kirk, Helen, Myers, Philip C., Allen, Lori E., and Shirley, Yancy L. 2008. "Current Star Formation in the Ophiuchus and Perseus Molecular Clouds: Constraints and Comparisons from Unbiased Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Surveys. II." The Astrophysical Journal, 683 822–843.
ID: 74183
Type: article
Keywords: SAO