Impacts of herbicide application and mechanical cleanings on growth and mortality of two timber species in Saccharum spontaneum grasslands of the Panamá Canal watershed

Impacts of herbicide application and mechanical cleanings on growth and mortality of two timber species in Saccharum spontaneum grasslands of the Panamá Canal watershedDOI: info:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2008.00408.xv. 17No. 6751–761
Craven, Dylan J., Hall, Jefferson S., and Verjans, Jean-Marc. 2009. "Impacts of herbicide application and mechanical cleanings on growth and mortality of two timber species in Saccharum spontaneum grasslands of the Panamá Canal watershed." Restoration Ecology, 17, (6) 751–761.
ID: 74247
Type: article
Keywords: NH-EOL; STRI