Description of seven new species of Janbechynea (Orsodacnidae or Chrysomelidae, Sensu lato) from Mexico: Availability of new names and corrections

Description of seven new species of Janbechynea (Orsodacnidae or Chrysomelidae, Sensu lato) from Mexico: Availability of new names and correctionsv. 115No. 2AMER ENTOMOL SOC108–112
Santiago-Blay, Jorge A. 2004. "Description of seven new species of Janbechynea (Orsodacnidae or Chrysomelidae, Sensu lato) from Mexico: Availability of new names and corrections." Entomological News, 115, (2) 108–112.
ID: 76441
Type: article
Keywords: NMNH; NH-Paleobiology