Nonthermal X-Rays from Supernova Remnant G330.2+1.0 and the Characteristics of its Central Compact Object

Nonthermal X-Rays from Supernova Remnant G330.2+1.0 and the Characteristics of its Central Compact ObjectDOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/695/1/431v. 695431–441
Park, Sangwook, Kargaltsev, Oleg, Pavlov, George G., Mori, Koji, Slane, Patrick O., Hughes, John P., Burrows, David N., and Garmire, Gordon P. 2009. "Nonthermal X-Rays from Supernova Remnant G330.2+1.0 and the Characteristics of its Central Compact Object." The Astrophysical Journal, 695 431–441.
ID: 78286
Type: article
Keywords: SAO