Making the most of Papua New Guinea's biodiversity: Establishment of an integrated set of programs that link botanical survey with pharmacological assessment in "the land of the unexpected"

Making the most of Papua New Guinea's biodiversity: Establishment of an integrated set of programs that link botanical survey with pharmacological assessment in "the land of the unexpected"DOI: info:10.1080/13880200902991599v. 47No. 8TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC795–808
Barrows, L. R., Matainaho, T. K., Ireland, C. M., Miller, Scott E., Carter, G. T., Bugni, T., Rai, P., Gideon, O., Manoka, B., Piskaut, P., Banka, R., Kiapranis, R., Noro, J. N., Pond, C. D., Andjelic, C. D., Koch, M., Harper, M. K., Powan, E., Pole, A. R., and Jensen, J. B. 2009. "Making the most of Papua New Guinea's biodiversity: Establishment of an integrated set of programs that link botanical survey with pharmacological assessment in "the land of the unexpected"." Pharmaceutical Biology, 47, (8) 795–808.
ID: 80109
Type: article
Keywords: NMNH; NH-Entomology