The Stellar Population of h and ? Persei: Cluster Properties, Membership, and the Intrinsic Colors and Temperatures of Stars

The Stellar Population of h and ? Persei: Cluster Properties, Membership, and the Intrinsic Colors and Temperatures of StarsDOI: info:10.1088/0067-0049/186/2/191v. 186191–221
Currie, Thayne, Hernandez, Jesus, Irwin, Jonathan, Kenyon, Scott J., Tokarz, Susan, Balog, Zoltan, Bragg, Ann, Berlind, Perry, and Calkins, Mike. 2010. "The Stellar Population of h and ? Persei: Cluster Properties, Membership, and the Intrinsic Colors and Temperatures of Stars." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 186 191–221.
ID: 81754
Type: article
Keywords: SAO