The Inclination of the Soft X-Ray Transient A0620–00 and the Mass of its Black Hole

The Inclination of the Soft X-Ray Transient A0620–00 and the Mass of its Black HoleDOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/710/2/1127v. 7101127–1141
Cantrell, Andrew G., Bailyn, Charles D., Orosz, Jerome A., McClintock, Jeffrey E., Remillard, Ronald A., Froning, Cynthia S., Neilsen, Joseph, Gelino, Dawn M., and Gou, Lijun. 2010. "The Inclination of the Soft X-Ray Transient A0620–00 and the Mass of its Black Hole." The Astrophysical Journal, 710 1127–1141.
ID: 81757
Type: article
Keywords: SAO