VISIR/VLT and VLA Joint Imaging Analysis of the Circumstellar Nebula Around IRAS 18576+0341

VISIR/VLT and VLA Joint Imaging Analysis of the Circumstellar Nebula Around IRAS 18576+0341DOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/721/2/1404v. 7211404–1411
Buemi, Carla S., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Leto, P., and Hora, Joseph L. 2010. "VISIR/VLT and VLA Joint Imaging Analysis of the Circumstellar Nebula Around IRAS 18576+0341." The Astrophysical Journal, 721 1404–1411.
ID: 93379
Type: article
Keywords: SAO