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Showing 14601-14620 of about 16250 results.
Mortality and initial propagule size in mangrove seedlings in Panamav. 66No. 145–51
Rabinowitz, Deborah. 1978. "Mortality and initial propagule size in mangrove seedlings in Panama." Journal of Ecology, 66, (1) 45–51.
ID: 107132
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Early growth of mangrove seedlings in Panama, and an hypothesis concerning the relationship of dispersal and zonationv. 5No. 2Blackwell Scientific Publications113–133
Rabinowitz, Deborah. 1978. "Early growth of mangrove seedlings in Panama, and an hypothesis concerning the relationship of dispersal and zonation." Journal of Biogeography, 5, (2) 113–133.
ID: 107133
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Dispersal properties of Mangrove Propagulesv. 10No. 147–57
Rabinowitz, Deborah. 1978. "Dispersal properties of Mangrove Propagules." Biotropica, 10, (1) 47–57.
ID: 107134
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Reptilian arboreal folivoresSmithsonian Institution Press115–122
Rand, Austin Stanley. 1978. "Reptilian arboreal folivores." In The ecology of arboreal folivores. Montgomery, G. Gene, editor. 115–122. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
ID: 107131
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI
Display and dispute settlement in nesting iguanasU.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare245–251
Rand, Austin Stanley and Rand, William M. 1978. "Display and dispute settlement in nesting iguanas." In Behavior and Neurology of Lizards: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Greenberg, Neil and MacLean, Paul D., editors. 245–251. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. In DHEW publication ; no. (ADM) 77-491.
ID: 107130
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI
Toolmaking and tool use among preceramic peoples of Panama41–84
Ranere, Anthony J. 1978. "Toolmaking and tool use among preceramic peoples of Panama." In Advances in Andean Archaeology. Browman, D. L., editor. 41–84.
ID: 107129
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI
Early subsistence patterns along the Pacific coast of Central PanamaAcademic Press
Ranere, Anthony J. and Hansell, Pat. 1978. "Early subsistence patterns along the Pacific coast of Central Panama." In Prehistoric coastal adaptations. Stark, Barbara L. and Voorhies, Barbara, editors. New York: Academic Press.
ID: 107128
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI
Unilateral oviductal and uterine reactions in the Little Bulldog Bat, Noctilio albiventrisv. 19467–492
Rasweiler, John J., I.V. 1978. "Unilateral oviductal and uterine reactions in the Little Bulldog Bat, Noctilio albiventris." Biology and Reproduction, 19 467–492.
ID: 107127
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Queen retinues of army antsv. 71No. 4Oxford University Press519–528
Rettenmeyer, Carl W., Topoff, Howard, and Mirenda, John. 1978. "Queen retinues of army ants." Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 71, (4) 519–528.
ID: 107126
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
An ichthyological survey of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea with descriptions of new speciesDOI: info:10.5479/si.00810282.281Smithsonian Institution Press72
Roberts, Tyson R. 1978. An ichthyological survey of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea with descriptions of new species. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 281.
ID: 70965
Type: book
Keywords: SISP; STRI
Mollusks as prey of ariid catfish in the Fly River33
Roberts, Tyson R. and Turner, R. D. 1978. "Mollusks as prey of ariid catfish in the Fly River." Bulletin of the American Malacological Union, 33.
ID: 141582
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Sexual patterns in the labroid fishes of the Western Caribbean, II, the parrotfishes (Scaridae)DOI: info:10.5479/si.00810282.255Smithsonian Institution Press26
Robertson, D. Ross and Warner, Robert R. 1978. Sexual patterns in the labroid fishes of the Western Caribbean, II, the parrotfishes (Scaridae). Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 255.
ID: 70943
Type: book
Keywords: SISP; STRI
Developmental studies of Argiope argentata (Fabricius) and Argiope aemula (Walckenaer)v. 4231–40
Robinson, Barbara C. and Robinson, Michael H. 1978. "Developmental studies of Argiope argentata (Fabricius) and Argiope aemula (Walckenaer)." Symposium of the Zoological Society of London, 42 31–40.
ID: 107122
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
The ethology of predation, Zoopysiology and Ecology 7, by Eberhard Curio. Defence in animals, a survey of anti-predator defences, by M. Edmunds. [Review.]v. 53198–199
Robinson, Michael H. 1978. "The ethology of predation, Zoopysiology and Ecology 7, by Eberhard Curio. Defence in animals, a survey of anti-predator defences, by M. Edmunds. [Review.]." The Quarterly Review of Biology, 53 198–199.
ID: 107121
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Wondrous ways and means of tropical spidersv. 9No. 766–75
Robinson, Michael H. 1978. "Wondrous ways and means of tropical spiders." Smithsonian, 9, (7), 66–75.
ID: 107120
Type: magazine_article
Keywords: STRI
Thermoregulation in orbweb spiders: new descriptions of thermoregulatory postures and experiments on the effects of posture and colorationv. 6487–102
Robinson, Michael H. and Robinson, Barbara C. 1978. "Thermoregulation in orbweb spiders: new descriptions of thermoregulatory postures and experiments on the effects of posture and coloration." Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 64 87–102.
ID: 107116
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
The evolution of courtship systems in tropical araneid spidersv. 4217–29
Robinson, Michael H. and Robinson, Barbara C. 1978. "The evolution of courtship systems in tropical araneid spiders." Symposium of the Zoological Society of London, 42 17–29.
ID: 107117
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Culture techniques for Acanthops falcata, a neotropical mantid suitable for biological studies (with notes on raising web building spiders)v. 85No. 2-3239–247
Robinson, Michael H. and Robinson, Barbara C. 1978. "Culture techniques for Acanthops falcata, a neotropical mantid suitable for biological studies (with notes on raising web building spiders)." Psyche, 85, (2-3) 239–247.
ID: 107119
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Mccoskerichthys sandae, a new and unusual chaenopsid blanny from the Pacific coast of Panama and Costa Ricav. 29322
Rosenblatt, Richard H. and Stephens Jr., John S. 1978. "Mccoskerichthys sandae, a new and unusual chaenopsid blanny from the Pacific coast of Panama and Costa Rica." Contributions in Science, 293 22.
ID: 107115
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Introduccion sobre especies exoticas de pecesInstituto de Recursos Hidraulicos y Electrificacion89
Rubinoff, Ira. 1978. "Introduccion sobre especies exoticas de peces." In Lago Bayano: Formacion, Manejo y Control. 89. Ciudad de Panama: Instituto de Recursos Hidraulicos y Electrificacion.
ID: 107114
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI