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Showing 14781-14800 of about 16250 results.
Plankton photosynthetic activity and its regulation in two neotropical man-made lakesv. 23No. 161–93
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej. 1976. "Plankton photosynthetic activity and its regulation in two neotropical man-made lakes." Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii Polish Archives of Hydrobiology, 23, (1) 61–93.
ID: 107396
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
The coral reef community202–219
Glynn, Peter William. 1976. "The coral reef community." In Yearbook of Science and the Future, Encyclopaedia Britannica. 202–219.
ID: 107394
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI
Some physical and biological determinants of coral community structure in the Eastern Pacificv. 46No. 4431–456
Glynn, Peter William. 1976. "Some physical and biological determinants of coral community structure in the Eastern Pacific." Ecological Monographs, 46, (4) 431–456.
ID: 107392
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
A new shallow-water serolid (Isopoda: Flabellifera) from the Pacific coast of Panamav. 10No. 17–16
Glynn, Peter William. 1976. "A new shallow-water serolid (Isopoda: Flabellifera) from the Pacific coast of Panama." Journal of Natural History, 10, (1) 7–16.
ID: 107393
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Shallow water porcelain crabs of Panama and adjacent Caribbean waters (Crustacea: Anomura: Porcellanidae)30
Gore, Robert H. and Abele, Lawrence G. 1976. Shallow water porcelain crabs of Panama and adjacent Caribbean waters (Crustacea: Anomura: Porcellanidae). In Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 237.
ID: 107391
Type: book
Keywords: STRI
Genetic Relationships of three species of Bathygobius from the Atlantic and Pacific sides of Panamav. 2361–364
Gorman, George C., Kim, Yung J., and Rubinoff, Roberta Wolff. 1976. "Genetic Relationships of three species of Bathygobius from the Atlantic and Pacific sides of Panama." Copeia, 2 361–364.
ID: 107390
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Respiratory adaptations of marine air breathing fishesAcademic Press165–187
Graham, Jeffrey B. 1976. "Respiratory adaptations of marine air breathing fishes." In Respiration of Amphibious Vertebrates. Hugues, G. M., editor. 165–187. New York: Academic Press.
ID: 107389
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI
Some critical considerations of the theory of species packingv. 1247–258
Heck, Kenneth L. 1976. "Some critical considerations of the theory of species packing." Evolutionary Theory, 1 247–258.
ID: 107387
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Comparative community organization in tropical and temperate sea-grass (Thalassia testudinum) meadows(Ph.D. Dissertation)91
Heck, Kenneth L. 1976. "Comparative community organization in tropical and temperate sea-grass (Thalassia testudinum) meadows(Ph.D. Dissertation)." Florida State University.
ID: 111008
Type: thesis
Keywords: STRI
Community structure and effects of pollution in sea-grass meadows and adjacent habitatsv. 35345–357
Heck, Kenneth L. 1976. "Community structure and effects of pollution in sea-grass meadows and adjacent habitats." Marine Biology, 35 345–357.
ID: 107388
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Environmental sciences program marine studies, Galeta PointSmithsonian Institution Environmental Program, Tropical Studies139–267
Hendler, Gordon L. 1976. "Environmental sciences program marine studies, Galeta Point." In Environmental Monitoring and Baseline Data II. Windsor, Donald M., editor. 139–267. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Environmental Program, Tropical Studies.
ID: 107386
Type: chapter
Keywords: STRI
Descriptive analysis and social correlates of agonistic displays of Anolis limifrons (Sauria, Iguanidae)v. 58No. 3-4173–191
Hover, Edward L. and Jenssen, Thomas A. 1976. "Descriptive analysis and social correlates of agonistic displays of Anolis limifrons (Sauria, Iguanidae)." Behaviour, 58, (3-4) 173–191.
ID: 107384
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
A possible prey-call window in anuran auditory perceptionv. 4
Jaeger, Robert G. 1976. "A possible prey-call window in anuran auditory perception." Copeia, 4.
ID: 107383
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Bimodal diel activity of a Panamanian Dendrobatid frog, Colostethus nubicola, in relation to lightv. 3277–81
Jaeger, Robert G., Hailman, Jack P., and Jaeger, Linda S. 1976. "Bimodal diel activity of a Panamanian Dendrobatid frog, Colostethus nubicola, in relation to light." Herpetologica, 32 77–81.
ID: 107382
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Display analysis of the signature display of Anolis limifrons (Sauria: Iguanidae)v. 57No. 3-4227–240
Jenssen, Thomas A. and Hover, Edward L. 1976. "Display analysis of the signature display of Anolis limifrons (Sauria: Iguanidae)." Behaviour, 57, (3-4) 227–240.
ID: 107381
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Weights of African birdsv. 96No. 392–96
Karr, James R. 1976. "Weights of African birds." Bulletin of the British Ornithological Club, 96, (3) 92–96.
ID: 107377
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
On the relative abundance of migrants from the North Temperate Zone in tropical habitatsv. 88No. 3433–458
Karr, James R. 1976. "On the relative abundance of migrants from the North Temperate Zone in tropical habitats." Wilson Bulletin, 88, (3) 433–458.
ID: 107379
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Within- and between-habitat avian diversity in African and neotropical lowland habitatsv. 46No. 4457–481
Karr, James R. 1976. "Within- and between-habitat avian diversity in African and neotropical lowland habitats." Ecological Monographs, 46, (4) 457–481.
ID: 107376
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
An association between a grass (Paspalum virgatum) and mothsv. 8No. 4284–285
Karr, James R. 1976. "An association between a grass (Paspalum virgatum) and moths." Biotropica, 8, (4) 284–285.
ID: 107380
Type: article
Keywords: STRI
Seasonality, resource availability, and community diversity in tropical birds communitiesv. 110No. 976University of Chicago Press
Karr, James R. 1976. "Seasonality, resource availability, and community diversity in tropical birds communities." American Naturalist, 110, (976).
ID: 107378
Type: article
Keywords: STRI